Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the zombies?

We currently do not have the zombies mod on the server due to it's poor optimization and buggy nature. We will be experimenting with the mod on our test server to see if we can find some way of implementing them that will not effect server performance.

Why is my FPS so low?

We run a very high quality server with a very constant and steady server side FPS rate. The majority of the time, frames should not be to big of a problem on client side. However, depending on your specs, it can be. If it does become a problem, try turning off your grass, lowering your view distance, disabling clouds, or disabling shadows. All of these things are very helpful for FPS gain in Arma 3.

What is a "Hoopty"?

Basically, a rubbish car. Usually cheap and/or broken down. Can be any size, make or model, but must (or should) be embarrassing to drive for some reason, such as when you bump the stereo all the plastic "effects" you have hot-glued to the exterior rattle, instantly portraying the cheapness of your bling.

What are the black triangles on the map?

Military bases, camps, and installations.

Why do I see a white ring that stretches across the screen when it is foggy?

This is a simple Arma visual glitch, re-logging will fix the issue.

Why do I keep appearing on my dead body when I respawn?

This, simply known as The Respawn Glitch, occurs when your player name had 2 or more entrances in the database. This has to be fixed by a server admin, so please come on Teamspeak or make a forum post for assistance.

How do I report someone for trader camping?

Trader camping is a very common accusation in the Exile mod, and can often be hard to prove. The general server rule is if you are killed inside the BLUE ZONE around the trader, it is against the rules. If you are killed, post a screenshot of your death marker in the blue zone, or better yet a video of the incident, and make a forum post here.

Why can't I join the server?

There are many reasons this may be happening, but here are some starter tips. Make sure your mods are exactly as listed on the website, and are all up to date. Make sure Arma 3 is up to date and try verifying the integrity of your game cache. If still having problems, please make a post on our Tech Support section asking for assistance.

How do I get a Ghillie Suit?

The simplest way to get a ghillie suit is from the Black Market Trader, although it is also possible to craft 3 different types of ghillies. This will take some time, but be well worth the grind.

Why do I get scoped out when using the RHS bolt action weapons?

It can be a little frustrating when trying to fire your rifle long distance, and you get taken out of the scope to pull the bolt back before you see where your shot lands. Well, good 'ol RHS has added a very nice function to their bolt operated weapons. After you fire, continue holding left click and you will remain in the scope until you release the button.